8 responses

  1. Izy Berry
    April 24, 2015

    Awesome post. It must be challenging to travel with a kid who’s literally changing right before your eyes. I travelled with my sister who was 19 and I was 26 and it was a CHALLENGE. She was party party and I was relax relax. Least Tigger sounds flexible!


    • Talon Windwalker
      April 25, 2015

      Thankfully, he’s incredibly flexible which definitely does help. And if you keep throwing food at him as you walk, he’s even more flexible about it. lol


  2. Steph of Big World Small Pockets
    April 23, 2015

    Great, honest article about the difficulties of travelling with others. From the other side of the spectrum, I recently travelled with my parents so understand your sentiments. Despite them being very fit and active 50 years olds, there are just some things I want to do as a 30-year old that don’t interest them. That said, a little time apart when you are travelling with someone is no bad thing. Indeed I think it can actually help to ensure that the memories you are making are as worthwhile and valuable as ever.


    • Talon Windwalker
      April 25, 2015

      I’m sure that would be a very different experience. Luckily, he’s pretty flexible, but I miss those younger years when everything was cool and exciting. Which is why I started traveling then rather than waiting until now. 😉


  3. Steph (@ 20 Years Hence)
    April 22, 2015

    I think it’s difficult to travel with another person no matter the relationship, but it must be especially tricky when its a parent-child relationship and the child is growing up! I’ve noticed that many of the long-term travelers with children who are around Tigger’s age have expressed the same thing: they would like to keep moving, but their child wants to stay put somewhere more permanently. It’s great that you and Tigger have managed to reach a compromise for now; I know it can’t be easy for either of you!


    • Talon Windwalker
      April 25, 2015

      I expected it before we even left the States the 1st time. It’s just a normal thing for teenagers. Luckily, he’s a very flexible person so it still makes things easy.


  4. Patti
    April 22, 2015

    It will be interesting to see if he goes full circle and returns to wanting nomadic travel, or as he reaches adulthood – 18+ – will he want to settle more permanently, as in get a job or some sort and live on his own. They grow up way too fast no matter the lifestyle. 😉


    • Talon Windwalker
      April 25, 2015

      They sure do grow up way too fast!

      I’m curious to see that as well. He really is kind of a homebody, so I have the feeling that he’ll probably settle somewhere and put down roots.


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