17 responses

  1. Brad Bishop
    October 22, 2017

    About 5 years ago we (wife, kid, me) relocated down into S. America and at the time I was just getting into your blogs as it helped “feed” my appetite to jump into the travel and expat lifestyle. Upon leaving the US though, we disconnected from the internet for a while and that meant leaving our laptop behind in storage. We therefor “lost” our connection to your site and a few others. Recently went back to US to retrieve some of those “important papers and stuff” in storage, to include the laptop. As it actually still worked (wonder of wonders !) when I just turned it on yesterday, I rediscovered you blog still safely stored away under favorites. Looks like I have “lots” of catching up to do LOL ! Just wanted to say thanks though for adding a nudge to our own desires for travel/life adventures via your shared experiences on this blog, as well as congratulate you both for making it through it all and getting back to the land of crazy in one piece. Best of luck as you travel further down the road…


    • Talon Windwalker
      October 23, 2017

      Glad you found us again! It’s been an interesting year.


  2. Jade D’sa
    September 1, 2017

    A home does feel more complete with a pet! But its a good thing you’ve found some stability of sorts


    • Talon Windwalker
      September 3, 2017

      A pet makes such a big difference!


  3. Kate
    June 14, 2017

    Hi Talon,
    I’m so interested in your story and would love to chat for a possible story. Mind shooting me an email?


  4. Hazel
    April 21, 2017

    I’m an avid reader of your blogs. It’s good to hear that you have decided for a settled life. Travel life sure have good benefits but a settled one have better 🙂


    • Talon Windwalker
      April 23, 2017

      I don’t know that I’d call the settled life better. I just think there are seasons in life. The travel life served us well, and now we’re in a different season.


  5. Granny
    April 2, 2017

    You know I just had to comment on Amber. She is adorable! Cats do have a way of making you feel at home, don’t they? Glad things are going well.


    • Talon Windwalker
      April 2, 2017

      Thanks! She has the sweetest and fun personality, too.


  6. Sandy
    March 30, 2017

    Good to hear that you are happy in your settled life … perpetual travel is definitely not for everybody!


    • Talon Windwalker
      March 31, 2017

      It’s definitely more complicated when it’s just more than you, too


  7. Suzanne Fluhr
    March 28, 2017

    Traveling has its plusses, but so does having an anchor home, as you and Tigger (and Amber) seem to be experiencing. I’m impressed at how much you’ve accomplished since your return to the US. Sending best wishes from Philly for your contentment.


    • Talon Windwalker
      March 31, 2017

      Thanks! It’s been interesting to say the least.


  8. Vale
    March 27, 2017

    I’ve been following you and your stories for a while, from this part of the world. Thank you for sharing and encouraging us all to a free and meaningful life. Thank you. Ps:i know i missed some parts…where are you selttled in the us?


    • Talon Windwalker
      March 31, 2017

      We’re in Washington. The state, not the capital. 😉


  9. Rebecca
    March 27, 2017

    Really admire you for your decisions Talon, and am an avid follower of your site. Amber is adorable (says an owner of 2 cats) and let me assure you: for Travel purposes they are much easier than dogs.
    I hope to come back and visit the PNW sometime, so I will be sure to get in touch.


    • Talon Windwalker
      March 27, 2017

      Please do when you’re headed out this way!


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