Reflecting on life at the moment

Reflecting on life at the moment

We are in a state of transition, and I can feel it in so many ways. By reflecting on it, being honest with myself, and just being in the moment it’s rather interesting to watch it unfold.

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Responsible Travel

Responsible Travel

There are all sorts of definitions describing responsible travel. Usually this term describes a type of travel that is conscientious of the environment, the local culture and people, and so on. However, I think there’s a level of traveling that should be standard across the board.

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Forgotten parts of life in Mexico

Forgotten parts of life in Mexico

When you’ve spent a lot of time somewhere, you naturally notice smaller details that others who are just passing through don’t. Being away for a couple of years, there were some things I had forgotten about life in Mexico. Noise I don’t know how I had forgotten this, but Mexican culture has an affinity for noise. And lots of it. Being a people who like to share, music is never played at a level suitable for just the listener. Music...

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Back in Playa del Carmen

Back in Playa del Carmen

There’s always an adventure in travel, and our return to Playa del Carmen definitely had some interesting parts. Coming back after 2 years has been interesting.

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Keeping it Real. Again.

Keeping it Real. Again.

As we prepare to possibly move from a nomadic life to an expat one, we’re keeping it real. It’s a big change with a lot of mixed emotions.

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