7 responses

  1. Kylie
    January 11, 2016

    Hi…..Depression is such a silent killer. I think we need to feel our pain and suffering and you’re right accept it! I find mindful living and meditation help a great deal! Thanks for sharing your story!


  2. Claus Gurumeta
    December 30, 2015

    Thank you for sharing this article. It’s funny how sometimes we see only one facet of a person and assume that is all that they are about, without understanding that behind the fabulous experiences and apparent perfect life that someone might have, there could be some aspects of their life are not great.

    I follow nomadic chic’s travels, and I would have never guess that she suffered from depression. I am happy that she is fighting through it and making the best of the good times. Depression is a constant struggle that no matter what we do will not simply go away, but if we are able to enjoy the times when things are good, it makes this a life worth living.


    • Talon Windwalker
      January 1, 2016

      I was surprised as well! So glad she was open to share.


  3. Leslie
    December 1, 2015

    Great article! I can easily imagine how it was to cope with depression in a Chinese family. I remember at 19, telling my aunt i felt depressed (she is from Bolivia). It was a big step for me because it is very hard to admit it. She basically laughed at me… I know now that it’s cultural, that in her way of seeing life you can’t “afford” to feel like that unless you have already everything (comfort, food, etc). First world problem. Oh it’s not how it works! We know that, but to understand it and to react properly, people need more information. 🙂


    • Talon Windwalker
      December 1, 2015

      It’s so hard with cultures that don’t recognize depression as an actual thing.


  4. Jeannie Mark
    November 30, 2015

    Talon, thanks so much for including me in this series. It was emotional, but liberating to share my journey. Besitos!


    • Talon Windwalker
      December 1, 2015

      Thank YOU!


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