Our First Big Announcement

Well, it’s big to us.

If you’ve been reading our tweets, Facebook posts, and/or this blog, you know that we had planned a trip to Ecuador to do a dry run during Tigger’s spring break.  I was a bit bummed about only getting to spend a week there since Ecuador has a lot to offer.  And I lived there for a few months back in the 90s, so there are some things I wanted to see again.  On top of that, it would cut into our RTW budget, which I wasn’t thrilled about either.  But since I don’t believe in obstacles. . .

I did some thinking and then some airfare research and discovered that we could go to Ecuador, have more time to spend there, and then go from there to Ireland for about $200 more total (in airfare) than if we just flew to Dublin from Denver, and so I realized we could move our trip from 14 June to 4 May. Really not much of a decision to make.  We’re doing it!  Our countdown timer has been changed to reflect the new date.

Who knows, maybe we’ll get that date moved up even earlier.  I could handle that change nicely.

In addition to the time change, after a great discussion with @CareerBrkSecret, we’ve added Turkey to our itinerary.  It’s been on my list of places I’d like to see for a long time, but after he shared his thoughts and experiences, it found itself on our list in no time.

To me this is one of the joys of doing “slow travel.”  Changing things up, being able to be spontaneous, being flexible are so much more fun to me than planning every facet of a trip.  The times I’ve been spontaneous or left enough room in a trip to aimlessly explore have always been the richest part of my journey.

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  1. Hey, congratulations!!! So exciting to know that you’ve got a trip that is just around the bend. There is nothing better than having those plane tickets purchased. I look forward to reading about your travels.

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    • Excitement indeed! I’m sure as we get closer it’s joined by “OMG there’s so much more to do!” 🙂 Welcome to the blog.

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  2. Wowee! So exciting. I’m a little bit jealous over here… our countdown is sooooo much longer.

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  3. Congrats, sounds like an awesome change of plans!

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  4. Adding MORE time to an adventure? Shoot, that’s ALWAYS a good idea! I mean (as is my life mantra) “This ain’t a dress rehearsal, folks!”, and a few extra days (weeks, months…) to explore some distant new corner of the globe surely can’t hurt. After all, your ordinary life back home will still be waiting for you when you and Tigger finally do settle down again, yes?

    Pulling your departure date up a tad? Why, that’s a BRILLIANT idea! Indeed, every blessed additional day that you can squeeze out, is 24 more hours of LIVING the dream. Good for you!

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    • Thanks! And I hope never to return “ordinary life back home.” I want this to be an adventure that continues throughout my life. When Tigger is an adult, he’s welcome to tag along for the journey, of course, but hopefully he’ll also embark on his own adventure and end up inspiring another generation of global citizens. 🙂

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  5. Great that you changed your travel start date! It truly is amazing to do things a bit slow and be flexible. I did that while travelling in New Zealand in 2009, just stopped the car where I wanted to and take in the view, or change plans and leave Auckland quickly to go fall in love with the Bay of Islands for example. Good on ya, bro! 🙂

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    • Totally the best way to travel in my opinion.

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  6. Yeah, you already know that I’m so envious and also so very proud of you for doing this. This is what living is all about and you are doing it. Okay, I’m inspired.


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    • You are so right, and I’m glad you’re inspired!

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