31 responses

  1. David Saigon
    March 25, 2014

    Something definitely is lacking in regards to tourism if you compare the statistics with those of neighboring countries. Thailand leading the region, have higher year on year tourist growth and especially a higher satisfaction rate (the answer to the question “would you like to come back in the future”). I don’t think making the tourist visa more expensive will help solve this either..definitely a bad move for those wanting to come to Vietnam.
    This being said, I’ve been living in Vietnam for quite a while and am loving it. I know it might sometimes be challenging for tourists but as long as you have a minimum of care with your belongings and take it all in with a smile, you will be fine and make many friends.
    I’ve been to Hanoi a few times, and even though many other expat residents say the same, in my case, I found them friendly and funny (we laugh about each other’s accent as South and North have differences). I guess speaking broken Vietnamese does help to avoid those that make a living from actively hassling and scamming tourists.


    • Talon Windwalker
      March 26, 2014

      I think there are several factors affecting tourism in Vietnam, but definitely one of the largest is quite likely the cost of visas, which they’ve just increased again. I know many people who took Vietnam off their list because of the visa cost, especially when the most you’ll pay at any neighboring country (other than China) is $20 USD. It’s really a shame because I think it’s a wonderful country that shouldn’t be missed.


  2. Marysia @ My Travel Affairs
    January 3, 2014

    To be honest I’m glad I found this post on your blog. After reading so much bad about this country I kind of crossed it out of my list. But now I’m thinking about putting it back there 🙂


    • Talon Windwalker
      January 3, 2014

      I hope you do! It’ a wonderful country (except for Hanoi).


  3. Marysia @ My Travel Affairs
    January 2, 2014

    Interesting to see that not everyone is disappointed with Vietnam, majority of blogs I read always complain about this country and promise to never get back!


    • Talon Windwalker
      January 2, 2014

      And I totally don’t get why they say that, although I know some of them are, well, frankly primadonnas. Or they only went to Hanoi and didn’t venture down south where people are much friendlier.

      It is such an amazing country with wonderful people. It’s easily my favorite SE Asian country.


  4. Karisa
    October 8, 2013

    Just reading this is getting me really excited for my trip next month!! I’ve heard conflicting reports about how nice people are and I really hope you’re right! 🙂 Anyway, I’m so excited! Thanks for passing your link onto me!!


    • Talon Windwalker
      October 8, 2013

      As long as you aren’t up north, they’re super friendly. 😉


  5. Maddie
    June 4, 2013

    The captures exactly how I’ve felt about Vietnam too. Every single backpacker we met on the road had fairly negative things to say about Vietnam so when we first arrived in Hanoi it was with much trepidation. I was just saying yesterday that no other country has surprised me as much and I’ve enjoyed every second. Great writing Talon 🙂


    • Talon Windwalker
      June 5, 2013

      I think people who had issues either only stayed in Hanoi or, more likely, spent a lot of time in the backpacker area of Saigon. We drove through there, and it was absolutely miserable. Many people have told me that people they’ve heard complain didn’t get out of that area. No wonder they hated it!


  6. Charli l Wanderlusters
    June 3, 2013

    Great article Talon. I’ve loved hearing your thoughts on your stay. You’ve got me itching to get over there and explore. I’ve never been anywhere quite like what you’re describing and as a sucker for new cultures, flavors and insights I’m keen to expand my repertoire, although perhaps I’ll leave out sampling the organ meats!


    • Talon Windwalker
      June 3, 2013

      It is so worth a visit! I’m already plotting our return.

      Are you SURE you want to skip the organ meats? 🙂


  7. LIsa
    May 27, 2013

    Loved this post about Vietnam. Just returned from 2 weeks there with my 14 yo daughter who was adopted from Thai Nguyen in 1999. I love this country!! I am sorry that your experience in Hanoi was not so good. We met amazing, open, and friendly people there and loved the city. We had the exact same experience in the central and south as well. My only regret is not having about 6 more months to spend there. I love your blog. I live vicariously through your adventures!!!


    • Talon Windwalker
      May 28, 2013

      Hanoi was OK. The grouchy people were just more highlighted because we were coming from uber friendly Thailand. But it definitely isn’t a place I feel the need to return to. The rest of Vietnam, different story.

      So glad you enjoy the blog! Thanks for visiting!


  8. Liz
    May 27, 2013

    We absolutely loved Vietnam! It has all the culture and culture-shock value of China with less of the filth and smells and obnoxious people. Cha Ca La Vong is one of the nicest things I have ever eaten and our trip to Sapa is up there with one of the most beautiful places we have visited.

    Love what you’re doing.


    • Talon Windwalker
      May 28, 2013

      LOL! Too funny about the China comparison.


  9. Alyson
    May 26, 2013

    Hi Talon, we were first in Vietnam in 2000 or 2001 or something, too long ago to remember. It doesn’t sound as if much has changed, I hope not, we totally fell in love with the place and the food. We’ll be back soon, it’ll be interesting to see what it’s like now. By the way, intestines as food after working in the path labs…..nooooooo!!!!


    • Talon Windwalker
      May 26, 2013

      It will be interesting to hear what your experience is returning there after so long!

      I’m not into intestines either, although I’ve had some dishes with it that are pretty tasty.


  10. Natasha
    May 25, 2013

    Whoa that intestine photo was too real talon!
    I love pho and hope to someday visit Vietnam to taste authentic pho cooking ! Traffic worse that Thailand ? My word you are brave !


    • Talon Windwalker
      May 26, 2013

      Make sure you try pho in Saigon. It’s even better than up north.

      Yes, the traffic in Thailand is NOTHING compared to big cities in Vietnam. LOL


  11. Craig Makepeace
    May 25, 2013

    Yep, I’m a BIG fan of Vietnam. It’s been 10 years between visits but I certainly remember the beautiful scenery, great food, and the people. Two places apart from the obvious I enjoyed were Dalat and Sapa in the north.


    • Talon Windwalker
      May 25, 2013

      We loved Dalat. Didn’t make it to Sapa this trip, though. SO much to see. We’ll need longer visas for sure next time, and I’ll plan on not planning so we can stay as long as we can.


  12. Franca
    May 25, 2013

    We were supposed to go to Vietnam but we needed to get back to Europe for a family emergency. This post really makes me want to get back to SEA and finish what we put on pause, we have to do it pretty fast though before those amazing areas you are talking about change.


    • Talon Windwalker
      May 25, 2013

      Sorry to hear that! Hope everything worked out okay, though. Oh yes! You definitely want to return to SEA, and especially visit Vietnam.


  13. Jeremy Branham
    May 25, 2013

    What a great overview of the country and the people. Growing up, I had a close friend from Vietnam. I’m sure things have changed a lot since he lived there. Sounds like an awesome culture though.


    • Talon Windwalker
      May 25, 2013

      It is such a wonderful place, especially in the central and south regions where the culture is more friendly. We definitely need more time there.


  14. Hannah @ Getting Stamped
    May 24, 2013

    Can’t wait to get there next spring! We are really liking forward to it! Thanks for sharing your impressions 🙂


    • Talon Windwalker
      May 24, 2013

      So glad you’re going! We plan on going back and spending more time. A month was simply not long enough.


      • Hannah @ Getting Stamped
        May 25, 2013

        Maybe your 2nd time around and clash with our 1st time!! Probably next Feb2014-Apr14 or so!


      • Talon Windwalker
        May 25, 2013

        If the current mode of thought holds, we’ll be near Europe around that time.


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