Observations of the Icelandic People

Observations of the Icelandic People

We spent a couple of weeks in Iceland and had some interesting opportunities to observe the Icelandic people and their culture. They have a reason to be proud.

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Forgotten parts of life in Mexico

Forgotten parts of life in Mexico

When you’ve spent a lot of time somewhere, you naturally notice smaller details that others who are just passing through don’t. Being away for a couple of years, there were some things I had forgotten about life in Mexico. Noise I don’t know how I had forgotten this, but Mexican culture has an affinity for noise. And lots of it. Being a people who like to share, music is never played at a level suitable for just the listener. Music...

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Getting a local experience during travel

One of the best experiences one can have while traveling is spending time with locals. A local experience helps you get to know a place more deeply. If you’re like me and really enjoy sampling regional cuisine, again a local is going to be your best source of info. But it isn’t always easy to connect with a local. And not everyone feels comfortable doing something like Couchsurfing, which is an excellent way to connect with locals....

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Picking which country to visit in Southeast Asia

Picking which country to visit in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is quite a popular place for travelers from all over the world. With exotic locales, customs, and foods, not to mention low prices, it’s really no surprise so many people want to explore this region. Here are some thoughts to help you decide if your time is limited.

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Piece of Heaven in Nepal

Piece of Heaven in Nepal

Grasya shares about finding her own little piece of heaven in exotic Nepal.

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