Another dose of reality

Another dose of reality

I’ve made it no secret that I sometimes wrestle with being gay. I accept that it’s part of who I am, but I can’t say that I always celebrate it. Kind of like how I accept that I will never look like this guy. Accepting, however, doesn’t mean I have to like it. Recently, I had the opportunity of having yet another dose of reality handed to me. Not liking that very much either. Before deciding to come to Romania as a possible long-term...

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The life of gay people in Malaysia, the female perspective

The life of gay people in Malaysia, the female perspective

–I recently did an interview with a gay Malay Muslim male about his experience of life for gay people in Muslim Malaysia, and I wanted to share a woman’s experience as well. “Miss PLU” graciously accepted to be interviewed. I’m in my 30s and a female. The sexual orientation would be a lesbian or what the local gay community calls a “PLU” which stands for “People Like Us.” I am a Malay and a Muslim. Not active but still believe...

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Why I’m Not “Proud”

Why I’m Not “Proud”

Proud to be an American! Proud to be gay! Native pride!  These are just a few of some of the comments I hear or see fairly regularly. Well, I’m not proud to be an American.  I’m not proud of being gay either.  And I don’t get this whole “pride” thing. I don’t understand how someone can have pride in something they had nothing to do with.  I had absolutely no control over where I was born.  While the...

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