Monday photo

We were at the Ecozoologico San Martin, a small zoo outside of the town of Baños.  I went to snap a picture of this beautiful puma, and it got REALLY close to the cage.  Made both of us kind of step back quickly.  It was very curious, and the way the exhibit was designed allowed you a very close experience but still very safe as well.  Beautiful animal.

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  1. Hi Crazy Dad!

    I found out about your blog though Annie. I wanted to tell you that I admire what you did. I am like you I love languages and cultures so much. I speak 3 languages fluently and a bit of a forth one 🙂

    When I was 27 years old and recently divorced I took my self up from Paris to New York city to pursue some theater adventures.  I  have never moved back to France since then and that was over 15 years ago.  I did go back home a few times though.

    I now live in the US and really want to move somewhere with very little 🙂 If you have any tips, let me know.

    Thanks for sharing  your dreams.

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    • Thanks! I would love to live in Paris! It is tough to leave for cheap in the States. Cheapest areas tend to be Midwest, Pacific Northwest, and parts of New England.

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  2. Hi Crazy Dad!

    I found out about your blog though Annie. I wanted to tell you that I admire what you did. I am like you I love languages and cultures so much. I speak 3 languages fluently and a bit of a forth one 🙂

    When I was 27 years old and recently divorced I took my self up from Paris to New York city to pursue some theater adventures.  I  have never moved back to France since then and that was over 15 years ago.  I did go back home a few times though.

    I now live in the US and really want to move somewhere with very little 🙂 If you have any tips, let me know.

    Thanks for sharing  your dreams.

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