A Special Plea

While we were in Rome, we had the opportunity to meet up with another traveling family. Their daughter and Tigger had been Skype friends for a while, and I initially “met” the mom via a Facebook group for long-term traveling families.


We’ve enjoyed following along with their adventures and felt devastated in April when their youngest, Edward, was diagnosed with a form of leukemia. Since then he has been fighting valiantly and has endured an intensive stream of treatments, some of which he receives while unconscious via anesthesia.

Through it all, Edward’s indomitable spirit has shown through clearly in his photos.

Soon he will have another birthday, and one of the things he would absolutely love is to get postcards from around the world.


We would love to help fulfill that wish and are asking our readers to please consider sending him a postcard (even if it’s from the US where he lives). It’s a small thing that will bring him great joy.

Postcards should be sent to:

Edward Chambers
c/o General Delivery
7101 Coastal Hwy.
Ocean City, MD 21842

If you wish to connect with him or follow along, here is his Facebook page. I know he gets a lot of joy from seeing all the likes and comments.

Please also feel free to share his address and info with people you know who may also want to send him a card.


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  1. Thank you all so very much! Edward received his first postcard today from Wyoming!

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  2. We are in Bulgaria now and will be in Turkey on Tuesday. We’ll send off a postcard from Istanbul. Thanks for sharing, our 9-year old is excited to wish Edward a happy birthday from afar.

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  3. Postcard from Durham, UK on its way to Edward 🙂

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  4. Got my Ecuador postcard (Galapagos Tortoise), now just need to figure out what it takes to send it to the States (and then cross-fingers that it arrives in this century!) 😉

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    • It shouldn’t be too bad. I’ve sent a larger package, and it only took 2-3 weeks to get there. Thanks for doing that!

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  5. Thanks for sharing this, Talon. Edward sounds like a special boy who could certainly deserve a little bit of happiness and good vibes sent his way. We were planning to send some cards to various people we met on our travels while we’re here in Toronto, so I’ll be sure to pick up one for Edward too!

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    • Thanks so much! He’s a sweet kid. We’ve been following his journey since the diagnosis, and his spirit has just astounded me.

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  6. Our card & a pressie is on its way to such a special young man. XXX

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  7. I love this. I live in Massachusetts and this was done with a little boy in similar health conditions. His birthday was coming up and he received over 30,000 cards and some packages with gifts. The story was posted on the Huffington Post and went viral on FB! I’ll definitely share this so we can create another joyful moment for a child!

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  8. Will see if I have a great Santa Fe postcard- if not, will go out and buy a few and send them. It’s such an easy request to fill!

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