6 responses

  1. exoticindiatours
    May 28, 2024

    Fantastic insights! Visiting Mexico City in October sounds perfect with its pleasant weather and vibrant festivities. Thanks for highlighting the best spots and tips for an enjoyable trip!


  2. Aaron Richards
    August 7, 2022

    Def Interesting


  3. Jakob
    August 4, 2022

    I travelled Mexico City and other parts of the country 15 years ago. I loved it. Great country, nice people, and excellent food.

    Now I’m planning to go back and visit again with my family. But I’m hearing that crime (due to drugs) has risen to a very high level in recent years. That worries me.

    Did you feel/see that visiting Mexico? Or maybe it’s just not visible in tourist areas?


    • Talon Windwalker
      August 4, 2022

      No, I have not seen that problem, nor have my friends who live in local neighborhoods in various areas. The increased problems tends to be in very specific locations, and tourists are usually not affected.


  4. Suzanne Fluhr
    November 16, 2021

    I was already bemoaning a cancelled trip to Mexico in January of 2020, and this post makes me wish even more that we could go. The cultural mix in Mexico City gives it a flavor all its own.


    • Talon Windwalker
      November 16, 2021

      Most definitely!


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