Why have a travel safety plan?

I’m sure it’s safe to say one of every parent’s nightmares is losing their child in a crowded place. As a single dad who travels full time, I have the additional concern of “What happens if something happens to me?” Sure, odds are nothing will happen, but that doesn’t help in an emergency. A safety plan is critical for families, even more so when you travel.

Safety plan

Situations requiring a safety plan

  • Something happens to one or both parents.
  • Child and parent(s) get separated on mass transit.
  • Parent too ill to care for self and/or child.
  • Separated in a crowd.

Preparing the child

A safety plan isn’t worth anything if the kids aren’t familiar with it. Children need to know where documents are, what to do in an emergency, who they should phone, and so on.

In addition to preparing them, it’s important to review the plan often. In the event of mass transit, we review the plan every couple of days when we’re using the bus or metro a lot. It’s easy to forget, especially when stressed. The more they hear it, the more likely they’ll remember the plan should something happen.

If you are staying in a hotel or similar lodging, make sure your child has their business card on them. My friend Theodora and her son were involved in a car crash while in Egypt. She suffered a minor head injury which caused some confusion. Her son had their hotel’s business card, so he could show that to the driver to get them back home. The’ve even taken a wilderness first aid course together since they often do back country types of activities.

As children can usually navigate electronics easily, and they’re comfortable with them, make sure to keep some lists, copies of documents, etc., on your smart phone and/or tablet. Show them where those items are stored on the devices and make sure they can find them on their own.

Review these items and their locations regularly. Again, the more familiar they are with them, the more likely they’ll be able to retrieve them under pressure.

Make sure they know to ask police or adults for help. Tigger also knows that if I’m unconscious he should have police or hospital staff contact the US embassy or consulate for further assistance.

In Cuenca, we came upon a peaceful protest, and I was quite eager to document it. Knowing that things can go sour quickly, especially as I saw riot police marching on the square, I identified where he should go in the event of an emergency. We also covered that if I turned to him and told him to run, he needed to do just that without question. He was to run to our meeting point and wait for me there.

Naturally, when you cover these things you want to seem as cool and casual as possible.

I also make sure Tigger knows how to say “help” in the local language.

Safety plan


  • Kids should know where passports and bank cards are kept. These are items they may need to get a hold of if you become incapacitated or are in the hospital.
  • Keep copies of your medical insurance cards on your devices. I have a copy on my smartphone and on our Kindle Fire. Tigger knows where they are stored as well.
  • Tell children who they should call if something happens to you. Make sure they also know the local number for emergency services (911 doesn’t work everywhere).
  • When Tigger was younger, I had a list of people and their phone numbers and email address for him to use. The list was laminated, and there were multiple copies—one was kept in his backpack and one in mine. Every so often we reviewed where the copies were located, and I made sure his was in an easy place to see if he needed to access it. Now he can just pull the info from my phone.
  • You should have a call list (make sure phone numbers include the country code) that your child can give to emergency or embassy personnel in case they need to contact family back home.
  • Have a will and make sure they know where a copy is kept. I don’t care how young you are, if you have children you need a will that includes information about guardianship. It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. My son knows who will be taking care of him if something happens to me, and while no one wants to ponder the likelihood it gives him some security knowing Dad has all bases covered. Obviously, whoever is going to be caring for your child should have a copy of the will as well.
  • Make sure your children know and remember your first (and last name if different from theirs) name. “Mom” won’t help staff.
  • As previously mentioned, they should have a business card or address written down for them. Don’t count on even the best of memories. Stress can really complicate things.

Safety plan

Dealing with crowds

Holding onto each other is always a good idea, but things happen. When we were in London, we had a bit of a heart-pounding experience on the Tube (subway). Tigger tends to visit his own special land when we’re out and about. We were standing up on a train. When some seats opened, I told him I was going to sit down and got seated.

Because he was in Tiggerland, he didn’t hear me. At the next stop, he looked up, didn’t see me and promptly hurried off the train. The doors shut on him just as he realized I hadn’t exited the train.

Following our plan, I got off at the next stop and waited for him. I’m sure you can imagine my relief when he exited a subsequent train. I was incredibly grateful we had this plan in place!

This is our safety plan for mass transit:

  • Whoever is left on the bus or train gets off at the next stop and waits.
  • The person who exited early gets on the next train or bus and exits at the next stop (make sure your child has their bus or train ticket on their person).

When at amusement parks, festivals, etc., we identify a location that is easy to remember and spot as our meeting point. Should we get separated, we both know where to go and wait. I always remind him to not go in search of me. Instead he is to head to our meeting point and not move from there.

If we’re at a very crowded place, I usually take a photo of him on my phone. When you’re panicked because your child is lost, it can be easy to forget what they were wearing that day. This way you have a photo to show police/security if needed.

Dealing with a separation

When you’re reunited with your kiddo, don’t lecture them. They were probably more scared than you. Try to find something they did right and acknowledge that. “I’m so glad you followed our safety plan!” Harping on the negative just makes an already scary situation worse.

As Tigger exited the train, I could tell by the look on his face he figured he was in for it. Me simply saying the above was enough for him to not only be more aware on subsequent journeys but to more actively remember our plan. Besides, sometimes silence is much more powerful than a lecture. 😉

Have you experienced a situation when a safety plan was necessary or would’ve been helpful? What was it?

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  1. Great post and you two are a true inspiration! Like I always say, “assume the best, but plan for the worst” and it looks you have a bit of the same ideas here. You just need to know where to both go if something happens and common thinking and that will really help if a tricky situation comes up.

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  2. Whilst I do have a safety plan. I haven’t thought to give my son the hotels business card and advise him where the documents are all kept.

    Thanks for tip I will use it on our next holiday later in the year.

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    • It hadn’t occurred to me either until Theodora’s incident in Egypt. And even though my son is older, he never really pays attention to the name of our hotel or how to get there since he just relies on me.

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  3. Talon, that’s so responsible of you. Yes, I totally agree that you never know what may happen to you when travelling or living abroad. Your safety plan is just perfect. Well-organised and I am so impressed!!

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  4. Such a pressing issue Talon. I’m perpetually petrified of emergencies cropping up while we are travelling – those are some great tips!

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  5. I love this post. I make a meeting point when I go out with friends to a concert, or festival, or just a busy spot. It makes things so much easier to say “If we get separated, after the concert I will meet you right here.” (and we will pick an easy to find spot and actually walk up to it to make sure we all know where exactly to meet.

    I haven’t traveled with kids, but traveling solo all my family and a few friends have my info in emails, and on paper in case i ever need it. I need to do the phone thing though, because I am horrible at remembering phone numbers since cell phones!

    And good job Tigger! 🙂

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  6. We will be implementing a lot of your suggestions for our 5 year old son, Makai, before we leave the apatment tomorrow. Great recommendations, thank you!

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  7. So much useful information here! What happened on the tube sounds scary, I’m so glad you had a plan in place and it worked out. Travis and I have been separated a few times and even as adults it can be stressful and scary.

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    • Very true! It’s scary no matter what. I was SO relieved we had a plan in place. London of all places!

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  8. This is great stuff, I’m going to share it out to my readers. And even adults traveling together should have a safety plan. You know, so like when I hesitate just a moment too long behind Abi and the Paris subway train whooshed off without me, Abi had just enough time to mouth the words, “I’ll come back.” Yep. Even adults can get separated and like you we always carry our accommodation address so we can show it to a cabbie if we need to get back on our own.

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  9. This is fabulous Talon. What about when they are young like ours? How do you make sure they are aware of what to do? Great advice, i needed to hear this.

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    • Erin, we usually give Tom a piece of paper/card/tag with our details on it and tell him that if he gets lost he needs to go into a shop and ask a mummy with kids to help him (sorry for the stereotype but it needs to be consistent around the world). I recently bought baggage tags that are shaped like lego pieces (my 5 year olds request) and I am thinking of using those to attach to their belt loops when we are in Europe this summer. I had a cute little bracelet (thick rubber band) with our details on it, however they kept rubbing off when it was hot. If we are close to home we put our mobile phone numbers and local details, when were a long way away we used our passport details, hotel names and wrote a message telling whoever found him to take him to the Australian Embassy in a certain country and all costs would be paid for (This was when we were in Morocco – Fez and there was no Australian Embassy so we ask for them to contact Madrid). It is a scary thought and we are now about to go through explaining it all to our 2.5 year old!

      Great article Talon!

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  10. My wife and I have an ‘in case of emergency’ letter allowing access to the important details. It helps that we’re both adults, of course, but we update it whenever we move (usually about every six months).

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  11. This is really good feedback regardless of age. We don’t have kids, but my wife and I utilize many of these strategies on our trips. This is really helpful tutorial for people who aren’t doing it.

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  12. These are fantastic tips and it sounds like you have everything planned out well and the kids are well versed. The media from time to time reports of very young children calling 999 when their parents fall ill and this is all because they are well prepared, like you demonstrate.

    That is a scary story on the tube but thankfully a happy ending. It would have scared the living daylights out of me.

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    • It was a bit of a challenge remaining calm until I saw him get off the train. Sometimes you wonder if they’ll remember what to do.

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  13. Great ideas! I especially like taking a picture of him at a crowded place so you know what he’s wearing that day. The mass transit plan is such a good plan.

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    • It can be so hard to remember what they were wearing when you’re stressed. Even if you aren’t, really.

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