Tigger’s 1st Monday photo installment
I was so happy when Tigger decided to contribute to the blog, especially when he chose to do it with photography. I think seeing photos through a child’s eyes is always so meaningful and powerful. We went on a photo “safari” to various places in our current home of Cuenca, Ecuador, and after reviewing his various shots he decided on this photo he took of our housemate’s dog Lukey. And I’ll have you...
Monday photo
I saw this abandoned hotel while we were en route to Barrio Chino, Havana, Cuba. It was one of those moments when you see something and think Wow! That would make a great picture! It’s one of my favorite shots.
Monday photo
This was taken during our time at the Basilica del Voto Nacional in Quito, Ecuador. I saw the shadows and thought this just might make a good picture. What do you think?
Monday photo
We were at the Ecozoologico San Martin, a small zoo outside of the town of Baños. I went to snap a picture of this beautiful puma, and it got REALLY close to the cage. Made both of us kind of step back quickly. It was very curious, and the way the exhibit was designed allowed you a very close experience but still very safe as well. Beautiful animal.