A fun introduction to Australian animals

A fun introduction to Australian animals

We’re currently doing a housesit in a small village outside the medium-sized city of Ballarat. Located just over an hour from the popular city of Melbourne, Ballarat holds a big place in Australia’s history and offers a lot for visitors. When some people heard we were coming here, they were confused. Small towns may not be on most people’s list when they’re traveling, but we love them. And it was here that we had a great introduction...

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Unschooling a Tigger

Unschooling a Tigger

One of the most frequent questions I get asked when people find out we’re traveling indefinitely is:  “So what do you do about schooling?”  I always am tempted to respond, “Who needs a stinkin edumacation! I done good without one.” When I began trying to figure out this whole crazy adventure, I had decided we would do homeschooling.  Not only because we might be in some areas for a short period of time,...

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