Visiting New Orleans–Whitney Plantation

Visiting New Orleans–Whitney Plantation

The Whitney Plantation should absolutely be added to your must-visit list when going to New Orleans.

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Unschooling a Tigger

Unschooling a Tigger

One of the most frequent questions I get asked when people find out we’re traveling indefinitely is:  “So what do you do about schooling?”  I always am tempted to respond, “Who needs a stinkin edumacation! I done good without one.” When I began trying to figure out this whole crazy adventure, I had decided we would do homeschooling.  Not only because we might be in some areas for a short period of time,...

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New features!

I am very happy to report that beginning this month we will have a new weekly feature!  Tigger has decided that he will begin posting a weekly photo or drawing, and once a month will write a post. Wednesdays will now be Tigger days on I am so excited that he’s going to be taking a more active role in the blog and hope that progresses even further as time goes on.  I plan not to edit his posts so that you get to...

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A Surprise Addition to Our Itinerary!

The problem with chatting with other travellers is you often discover new places to visit.  I had such a discussion yesterday with someone who has been traveling around the world for the last 6 years and has been funding his travels by playing competitive backgammon online. Talk about if there’s a will, there’s a way!  Anywho, he and his Chilean girlfriend, who he met while visiting Venezuela, and I were chatting, and he...

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What a 9-year-old has learned from 3 weeks as an expat

We’ve been living in Cozumel for 3 weeks now, so I figured I’d post just some of the things I’ve seen Tigger learn as well as sharing some things straight from the source. The value of money.  When wanting to rent a scooter again, he thought nothing of the 25 USD cost. Until I explained that was almost half a week’s groceries. He has learned about exchanging one type of money to another. Right now the USD to...

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