Getting around Prague
Prague is known as the Paris of the East, and for good reasons. It is an absolutely charming city that has something for everyone.
Dealing with food cravings in Prague
It’s no secret that Tigger and I are food lovers. Of course, my palate is quite a bit more diverse than his “mac & cheese is a food group” tastes. As we’ve been traveling for quite a while, we’ve been stricken by some rather specific food cravings. It’s kind of like having an itch you just can’t scratch. Prague has been our savior!
Czech Republic travel
Like many people, I have had Prague on my travel list for quite some time. I know there’s more to Czech Republic travel than just this one city, though. I was quite happy when Kami of My Wanderlust offered to do a post for us about this beautiful country. I hope you enjoy it and maybe get inspired. Prague, one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful, cities in Europe is a must-visit place during everyone’s European journey....