Eating in Puerto Vallarta
Eating in Puerto Vallarta offers visitors quite the variety of delectable food and drinks. Here are some of my recommendations of places to visit.
Is it Worth Visiting Puerto Vallarta?
I have avoided visiting Puerto Vallarta for, well, decades. I’m not a fan of places that get heavy tourism or that have a ton of expats. Puerto Vallarta is somewhere that is very well known to have its share of heavy tourism, expat population, as well as cruise visitors. Well, after hearing from some friends on ways I could avoid the tourist hordes, I decided it was time to actually visit and see what I thought. Is it worth visiting...
What I’ll Miss About San Miguel
San Miguel de Allende is known as one of Mexico’s magical cities. It’s a well-earned title. It’s a place we’ll miss for sure.
Tips for Eating Out in San Miguel de Allende
There are lots of choices of places to eat in San Miguel de Allende. Here are my suggestions for the best food experience.
In Defense of San Miguel de Allende
San Miguel de Allende often gets a lot of flack, and I couldn’t disagree more.