Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia Oh My
Skiing can be really pricey, so it’s a good idea to shop around for the cheapest offers. Ski season is beginning in some places, but the snow is still a little too wet for most of us. The Telegraph has a good guide to ski season if you’re interested in doing a bit of background reading. As Brasov has been on the blog recently, it’s perhaps fitting to talk about alternative skiing holidays in Eastern Europe (and it’s really cheap as...
Another dose of reality
I’ve made it no secret that I sometimes wrestle with being gay. I accept that it’s part of who I am, but I can’t say that I always celebrate it. Kind of like how I accept that I will never look like this guy. Accepting, however, doesn’t mean I have to like it. Recently, I had the opportunity of having yet another dose of reality handed to me. Not liking that very much either. Before deciding to come to Romania as a possible long-term...
Visiting Brasov
This charming medieval city is found in central Romania, which makes it a perfect base for exploring more of Romania and some of the nearby countries. Being in the city of Brasov is like existing in two different worlds. The historic center occupies the medieval section of the town, which was founded in the early 13th century, although they have found some archaeological evidence that the area was inhabited as early as 9500 BCE. A...