Chasing a Dream
“You’re so lucky!” is a common statement I get when describing our adventures and our life to people. Chasing a dream has really very little to do with luck. I know people mean well by that comment, and I certainly do feel blessed, but this type of lifestyle didn’t just drop into my lap. I’ve worked hard to make this life a reality and to keep it afloat. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our...
What Death Taught Me About How to Live
For almost a decade I’ve been Death’s companion in some form, and for at least three decades I’ve been exposed to it in some intimate way. Nine years ago I began my “second career” training to become a healthcare chaplain and immediately knew I wanted to work with death and dying. Yes, I’m strange. I can own that. I’ve helped people come into the world, and I’ve been a witness to...
Whose Myth are You Living?
Labels, boxes, expectations, limitations are all myths. Some are imposed on us, and others we impose on ourselves. So what and whose myth are you living?