Amsterdam Surprised Me
I figured I’d like Amsterdam, but I didn’t expect to fall head over heels in love. There is so much to enjoy in this city.
The birthday that didn’t suck
My birthday has often been a mixed bag. This year has made up for a lot of past ones, though!
Tigger becomes a teenager
My heart is feeling a multitude of things as the weekend approaches. My cute, sweet, little boy leaves the tween years behind and steps firmly into the land of the teenage years.
Bringing in the Double 4’s
I’ve always treated my child’s birthday as a special occasion. No matter where we’ve been, I’ve always tried to bring something . . . different to it and other special moments. I haven’t, however, always done that for myself. Growing up birthdays were not very big events. I was either living with my abusive mother, with one of her friends, or in foster care. While there are many very good foster...