I always wanted to be a mom

I always wanted to be a mom

—This is a guest post by Joy Clein. Joy’s blog is The Clein Times. I met her originally through a Facebook group for long-term traveling families. She ended up editing my book, and when they came through Mexico while we were there, our families were able to spend some time together. I really love her story and was thrilled when she agreed to share it with my readers. I always wanted to be a mom. I used to think, find guy, get...

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Our adoption story

Our adoption story

Several people have asked me to share more about our adoption story. Since February is the month when we celebrate his Gotcha Day (the anniversary of when he moved into my home), I thought this would be an ideal time to share that story, especially since Paris figures it into how we became a family. Editor’s note: I have Tigger’s permission to share the personal parts of his own story. In 2004, I moved to Texas to do my...

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Why I’m Not “Proud”

Why I’m Not “Proud”

Proud to be an American! Proud to be gay! Native pride!  These are just a few of some of the comments I hear or see fairly regularly. Well, I’m not proud to be an American.  I’m not proud of being gay either.  And I don’t get this whole “pride” thing. I don’t understand how someone can have pride in something they had nothing to do with.  I had absolutely no control over where I was born.  While the...

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Getting Personal

1Dad gets up close & personal and shares why 2011 was so very welcome, as well as losing weight, self transformation, getting into running, and adoption.

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