Prague in Pictures

Prague is one of the most beautiful cities I have been to, and we’ve visited a LOT of international cities! We’ve been here for about 2 months, and I still feel like we haven’t seen all of its splendors.


Prague has some of the most beautiful buildings I’ve ever seen. It can be difficult keeping focused on the walkway while going through the older neighborhoods. Buildings are often adorned with fantastic paintings and/or statues. Your neck gets a workout as you shift your attention between the sidewalk and the buildings surrounding you.

things to do in Praguethings to do in praguethings to do in Prague



Naturally, the wonderful architecture extends to some of the more modern constructs as well.

Prague architecture



In addition to the fanciful adornments on buildings, Prague has some beautiful sculptures as well as some rather random art installations.

Prague random artPraguePraguePraguePraguePrague

Weekend Life on the Square

Czechs love being outdoors, and when the weather cooperates the square positively comes alive. We’ve had a week of springlike weather, and it was something to be celebrated for sure.


Parks with gorgeous views of Prague

As is typical of any European city, there are plenty of parks here. Some are small green areas in a square or neighborhood while others are huge and offer plenty of trails for bicycles, rollerblading, and so on. Vysherad and Letna are particularly well situated to provide absolutely stunning views of the city in beautiful surroundings. Letna is extremely popular during warmer weather.

You can also find some great views from outside the castle entrance on the hill.


Places of worship

Prague was an especially important spot in its earlier history. It has attracted many cultures over the centuries. While most large European cities have their share of churches and the like, the Paris of the East seems to have had an extra portion of beautiful and unique structures.


And not to be outdone by humans


Need I go on?

And its beauty is only part of why I love Prague so much.

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  1. I went to Prague on my own years ago and I honestly need to go back and take Dale with me. These photos bring me back some nice memories but there are so many places I haven’t seen yet.

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    • It seems to have so many hidden neighborhoods. Just the other day we got off the metro to go to a restaurant and I was thinking “Whoa! This is a cool area!” Lots of little surprises everywhere.

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  2. Great post Talon! Prague’s definitely a city where you can spend a lot of time staring at the amazing buildings! We really loved the “Sgraffito” etched-painting that so many of the buildings have.

    That photo of the sculpture of the pregnant woman caught us completely off guard when we stumbled upon it. It seemed so out of place on one hand, but pretty perfect for Prague on the other. Definitely a “conversation piece”!

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    • Yes! It’s so completely random and so very different. Did you walk by the one with the two men urinating into a small pond? There are some rather unique modern art styles here.

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  3. Is Prague one of those cities that people either really enjoy or not so much? I’ve read both opinions from other blogs. It’s looks fantastic to me, I’m wondering why it doesn’t work for some. I guess personal preference, but is it something else?

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    • I have definitely heard from people on either side of the aisle. It surprises me just like when people tell me they didn’t like Paris. That’s inconceivable to me!

      I do wonder if people who don’t enjoy it as much have mostly stayed in the area of the big square and the old Jewish area. If that was the only place I visited, I’m not sure I’d be that impressed either.

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  4. I did not have a great time when in Prague in 2010, but I know I need to give it another try.
    There is something about this city that makes me want to go back and give it a second chance, and maybe that will happen sooner than expected.
    Thanks for this beautiful tour, very inspiring!

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