Our 1st Video
After living in southern Morocco for a bit, we’ve eaten a lot of camel meat. One day in the store, we were in a silly mood, and I brought up making camel balls for our spaghetti. That quickly morphed into a song about camel balls. We’ve played around with the lyrics for a while, and since Tigger got a camcorder for Chrismakah, we finally recorded it for you.
We hope you enjoy it. Introducing: Camel Balls
March 26, 2013
I’ve had caldo de bola from ecuador and my friends would laugh when i translated it to ball soup in english. Explaining it had peanut butter, boiled egg, meat and was made of plantains gave them a headache but it’s soooo good.
What’s in the camel balls that makes them taste so good? besides camel meat.. obviously..
March 26, 2013
I never had caldo be bola in Ecuador, but man that sounds YUMMY!
The only thing I added to the camel balls was different herbs and seasonings.
March 1, 2013
The ‘yum’ at the end is my favorite part 🙂
March 1, 2013
LOL! I loved when Tigger started giggling and couldn’t finish. So darn cute.
December 23, 2012
i love the laughs!!!! and the song! bravo!
December 23, 2012
LOL Thank you!
December 23, 2012
Love it! I too have considered fiddling with a bit of video for TravelnLass, but – I fear that my video (non)-talents would be embarrassingly dorky.
LOL, Ah but… now that I’ve seen YOURS – I’m thinkin’… shoot, mine can’t possibly be as silly as THAT! 😉
December 23, 2012
See? Now you’re ready.
December 22, 2012
Cute! The song, that is….I’m not sure I can get behind the idea of camel balls. 🙂
December 22, 2012
But they’re round and brown and squishy and lots of fun! 🙂