Itinerary for the big RTW trip

We will begin our indefinite journey in Mexico and then spend the next 2 years plus traveling through Central & South America, Antartica & Easter Island

Spain & Portugal
Thailand–We plan on spending at least a year in Thailand. While there we will continue to travel to nearby countries.

After Thailand we will live in some other Asian countries, including the Philippines.

Later travel will also include Australia, New Zealand, French Polynesia, Fiji, & Vanuatu
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  1. Most of the times i visit a blog I notice that most blogs are amateurish. On the contrary,I have to say that you have done a good job here.

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  2. Looks great! If you can, I'd add more days as traveling slow is key for families & to prevent burn out even for singles. The fast travel days will be more intense, so you will need to schedule in lazy hangout/pool/play/homeschool catch up times.

    I think we may have the world's record on RTW family traveling/blogging as we are into our 5th year of doing it, so have learned a few things along the way.

    We've been to 38 countries on 5 continents so far & manage to travel & live quite luxuriously on just 23 dollars a day per person, even in expensive places like Europe or Bora Bora. Kidlet was 5 when we started & just turned 10.

    We have a ton of info on our website & our soultraveler3 youtube channel & viral videos might help and inspire you. I am working on some books now too.

    It's a fantastic life & amazing education for kids. We're monolinguals raising a fluent trilingual/triliterate who speaks some of many other languages & it's been amazing for all of us. I've written a LOT on roadschooling benefits.

    Maybe we will meet up on the road some where! Good luck!

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  3. Wow, that's an incredibly awesome itinerary and one very lucky little soon to be 10-year old. I have always had a dream to travel the U.S. in an RV and now that all 3 of my children school online, it's very doable but not the finance part of it. I've read all your posts and I'm looking forward to reading lots more about your wonderful journey.

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  4. I did Masai Mara in 2008. Loved it! Can't wait to read the travel stories 🙂

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  5. WOW! This is so great. You are going to have the time of your life. Can't wait to follow along!

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  6. @TravelBug: Thanks!

    @SpunkyGirl: Very cool! You planning on hitting any of those next yr?

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  7. Wow, this itinerary looks fantastic. I love that you're taking your son around the world with you. It will be such an amazing experience for both of you.
    I can't wait to read about it -you're going to some countries that have been on my dream list for many years now!

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  8. Hi Crazy Dad! Well done for following your dream! I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog so early in the journey so that I can experience it with you! Hopefully, one day, the RTW dream will become a reality for me as well…
    Anyway, I just found this other family travel blog you might like to read, if you haven't come across it already…
    If you want to add Australia to your RTW (which I recommend you do! Tigger can meet a koala and kangaroo!) let me know as I would be happy to help with info.
    Laura 🙂

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