Doing a Dry Run

Spring break occurs about halfway between now and our target departure date. Tigger would really like to go to South America, and we just won’t be able to do that as part of our BIG trip that begins in June. Luckily I did some exhaustive searching and found a very nice deal on RT airfare to Ecuador. I lived there in the mid-90s for a few months and loved it, so I would love to show it to Tigger, as well as see how Quito has changed since I was there. Plus, there are some areas I never made it to.

When Tigger and I had a chance to sit down and discuss the possibilities, I gave him the option of Costa Rica or Ecuador. Not even a hesitation as he said “Ecuador!”

So that is the plan for now. This will be a great opportunity to see how he does sitting in an airport during a layover, being on a plane for several hours, cruising around a country where he doesn’t speak the language, exploring a new place, and eating foods he isn’t used to. Luckily, South American food isn’t as . . . different as what we’re likely to encounter in some of our stops.

It will take a bit more from the budget than I had planned, but it’s so worth it. And I’ve never let a silly thing like a budget get in the way of adventure before!

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  1. I’m currently in Costa Rica so I’m biased!!!
    Come to Costa Rica and live the Pura Vida, I’ll show you how 🙂

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  2. I’ve been to both Costa Rica and Ecuador, and think it’s great that your 9yr old son didn’t hesitate before picking Ecuador. I actually lived in Pichincha, Ecuador for a summer when I was a teenager, but that was many years ago, so I’m sure it’s changed a lot.

    I was also home-schooled for several years (as a child) while living in Europe. And in my opinion, living abroad is an amazing learning experience, and certainly a challenging and wonderful growth opportunity.

    Best of luck and safe travels. Looking forward to your RTW adventure.

    ~cheers, hiptraveler

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  3. Awesome. I can’t wait to hear all about it. We don’t get the chance to catch up all that often on FB, Twitter, and the blog…but I do think about you and your lifestyle quite often.

    I really love how you live your life and how you are raising your son. I really do. It’s so great to see and it’s also very inspiring.

    Well done.

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  4. Hi there! I think what you are doing is a great idea. When I was recently backpacking around South America I ran into quite a few families with young kids – in fact, I think I had even heard talk of the legendary Vogel family when I was in Bolivia. Not sure if it will be relevant but you may like to get in contact with a Swiss / French family living in Sucre in Bolivia. Just for a chat. They run a guesthouse called La Dolce Vita and have a young son and daughter who are now fully fledged “Bolivians” and speak fluent spanish, french, english and german. Talk about a wordly education! Anyway, I have set up a South America travel community on facebook called “When I went travelling to South America”. It would be great if you could contribute a story from your trip when you and your son do get to Ecuador. Happy travels! Cheers, Linda

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    • When will you guys be in Ecuador? I’ll be here until January.

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      • Not until the end of March. Unless I win the lottery before then. 🙂

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    • Thanks for the info on the family in Bolivia. Always nice to connect with other travelling families.

      Yes, the Vogels were in Bolivia earlier this yr. I met with them in Cuzco, Peru, and we spent a few days together. But I didn’t have Tigger with me on that trip.

      I’ll check out your FB community. I can post about Peru already, but would be happy to post after my son and I get back from Ecuador. I’ve been there before, but travelling with a little one is always a different perspective. 🙂

      Thanks for your note and for visiting our blog!

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  5. Hey I just left Ecuador and am actually going back for Christmas, if you have any questions at all let me know as my Mother and Sister visited me there and they had never traveled before so it was definitely an experience!

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  6. A dry run sounds like a good idea. I love how enthusiastic he is about travel though. I’m not even sure my little brother (11) would know where Ecuador is.

    Out of curiosity – what’s drawn him to Ecuador? It’s not the first South American country that springs to mind.

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    • It isn’t. He just wants to go to S. America. Not totally sure why. Maybe because I lived in Ecuador for a while & this year went to Peru? And we’ve discussed @familyonbikes who are riding their bicycles from Alaska to Patagonia, as well. So perhaps all the S. America talk. He DOES love travel and exploring. At least for now. LOL

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  7. Good luck with the planning on this fun adventure. Be careful not to try to do too much, either = “less is more”

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  8. Why stop in Ecuador? Come a bit farther and help us celebrate reaching the end of the road!

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    • I looked at doing just that, but it was an extra $1K minimum. Unless the price comes down, we’ll have to stick with Ecuador. Would be awesome, though!

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