The Perspective of Travel
Travel often gives us a unique perspective on things. The longer you spend in an area, especially if you’re mingling with locals, the more that perspective grows. Morocco has given me some unique perspectives. I never voiced this to anyone, but I was a bit nervous coming here. Not just because of the language limitations. While I have friends and connections who are Muslim, I’ve never been to a mostly Muslim area...
Let’s Chat About Moroccan Food
I love good food, and I love Morocco. So one might think that I’d be in seventh heaven. After all, doesn’t Moroccan food sound exotic? You can just imagine the flavors from strange spices and seasonings, right? Well, I’m going to have to burst that bubble. Basically, Moroccan food sucks. Sure, a nice tajine or couscous sounds delightful. As does my favorite dish, b’stella. I love quickly breaking the powdered...
A Letter to Morocco
Dear Maroc, I hope it’s okay to call you that. I know it’s only been 2 months, but I feel like we’ve shared enough to be on a more personal basis. May I just start by saying how much you confuse and amaze me? I’m pretty adept at picking up on cultures and things, and well, every time I think I’ve got you nailed down you laugh a little and surprise me. Good for you! One thing has really struck me about...
Essaouira, breaking from the chaos of Morocco
Morocco is an amazing country. It challenges you, amazes you, stuns you, and brings you through so many other emotions. After time in Tangier, Marrakech, and other areas, like Fes, it’s important to go to other places to get a feel for the less chaotic side of this north African country. After a few days in Marrakech, we were ready for the coast, and we headed to the coastal town of Essaouira (pronounced sah-wee-rah)....
In the midst of culture clash
In my former working life, one of the things I was well known for in the medical community of Colorado was being a cultural consultant. I regularly taught and presented at conferences, groups, committees, etc., on issues of multiculturalism in health care. I try to be very respectful of cultural differences. When we’re in a new environment, I try very hard to respect the culture of that area, even if I personally find a...
Life on a Moroccan Oasis
I’ve had several people ask me about what our life is like on this Moroccan oasis. As you can imagine, being so remote doesn’t create a lot of opportunities for “entertainment” and activities. In my last post, I discussed the challenges of Morocco and what a typical shopping trip into town is like. I figured, though, I’d share a slice of our typical daily life. Either the rooster has stopped crowing,...