Bocas del Toro

Bocas del Toro

Tranquilo. Adopt it. It’s the saying of Bocas del Toro, and once you step foot on the island it’s hard not to adopt this famous Panamanian catchphrase.

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Diving the Great Barrier Reef

Diving the Great Barrier Reef

I think it would be fair to say most divers have the Great Barrier Reef on their scuba bucket or dream list. It’s easy to understand why considering it’s the largest barrier reef system in the world and is home to over 1500 species of fish. There are also 30 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises that live in the area or visit it. And it doesn’t stop there. The reef system also contains 400 species of coral, 30 varieties of...

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Visiting the Perhentian Islands

Visiting the Perhentian Islands

The Perhentian Islands are a highly sought after place to visit both as a tropical island getaway as well as for scuba diving. Are they worth the effort to go there? Ever since I had read about these islands during my days as a novice diver, I have wanted to go there. The Perhentian Islands had been ranked highly for scuba diving. When I was discussing our upcoming visit with the Bohemian Travelers clan in Penang, Malaysia, I had...

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Underwater Photography Woes

Underwater Photography Woes

It’s no secret I love doing photography. Talk about a big duh, right? Doing underwater photography is a bit more of a challenge, though. Yeah, you have that whole breathing underwater thing, but that’s really relatively easy.  Buoyancy can make it a challenge sometimes, too.  And those damn fish tend to not want to sit still and pose.  Though I greatly appreciate how patient moray eels are as models. And then there is...

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Tigger & Wreck Diving

Tigger & Wreck Diving

When your dad is a scuba instructor and you love diving, it can be really great. The minimum age for open water diver certification is 10, but it’s junior open water. That means you must dive with either a parent or a dive professional (divemaster or above), and you’re also limited to a depth of 12 meters/40 feet. Usually that’s just fine. You tend to see more fish at those depths, breathing uses less air, and you...

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