When Traveling Styles Collide

When Traveling Styles Collide

When you are traveling with other people, it’s expected that at some point your styles will collide. That is especially true when traveling with a teen.

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Thanksgiving on the road

Thanksgiving on the road

We recently celebrated our 4th Thanksgiving while on the road. Each celebration has been radically different from the others. I was thinking about how unique this holiday has been while we’ve traveled the world.

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Forgotten parts of life in Mexico

Forgotten parts of life in Mexico

When you’ve spent a lot of time somewhere, you naturally notice smaller details that others who are just passing through don’t. Being away for a couple of years, there were some things I had forgotten about life in Mexico. Noise I don’t know how I had forgotten this, but Mexican culture has an affinity for noise. And lots of it. Being a people who like to share, music is never played at a level suitable for just the listener. Music...

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Why Mexico, especially the Yucatan?

Why Mexico, especially the Yucatan?

With the Yucatan being so touristy, why on earth did we settle on this area of Mexico as a possible long-term base?

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Experiencing Traveler Fatigue

Experiencing Traveler Fatigue

When traveling long term, or while living as an expat, you might experience traveler fatigue from time to time. This goes beyond just the simple cravings of things like bagels, certain cereals, etc.

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